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2023.01.12 목요일 •Stretching & Warm up -Dynamic Stretching. ​ •Strength & Skills -EMOM In 10min: 1 Bear Complex(무게 올려가며) ​ •WOD 4Rounds For Time of: 7 Bear Complex(95/65lb) 25 Toes to Bars 50 Double-unders *스트렝쓰 : 75-95-95-115-115-115-120-120-125-125 *오늘의 와드 기록 : 20:34, 95lb, L.R, S.U 더보기
2023.01.10 화요일 •Stretching & Warm up -Dynamic Stretching. ​ •Strength & Skills -Bench Press + Golilla Row. (5+10) x 5Sets ​ •WOD EMOM In 20min: 15/12Cal Row Max Pull-ups 15/12Cal Row Max Push-ups *스트렝쓰 : 105lb (B.P), 35lbs (Golilla Row) *오늘의 와드 기록 : 96, 13cal 더보기
2022.01.03 화요일 •Stretching & Warm up -Dynamic Stretching. ​ •​Strength & Skills -Deadlift. ​5-5-5-5-5(70%~80%) ​ •WOD 15-12-9-12-15 Reps for Time of: Toes to Bars Deadlift(225/155lb) Bar Facing Burpees *스트렝쓰 : 225-225-235-245-255 *오늘의 와드기록 : 21:42, 205lb, LR 더보기
2023.01.02 월요일 •Stretching & Warm up -Dynamic Stretching. ​ •​Strength & Skills -Bulgarian Split Squats. 10/10, 10/10, 10/10 ​ •WOD "MARY" AMRAP in 20min: 5 Handstand Push-ups 10 Pistols 15 Pull-ups *스트렝쓰 : 30lbs *오늘의 와드 기록 : 7R+15, HRPU, SP 더보기
2022.12.20 화요일 •Stretching & Warm up -Dynamic Stretching. ​ •Strength & Skills -Shoulder Press + Landmine Press ​10+10(R)/10(L) x 4sets ​ •WOD 4 Rounds For Time: 100 Double-unders 1R: 40 Dumbbell Deadlifts(50/35lbs) 2R: 30 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans(50/35lbs) 3R: 20 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead(50/35lbs) 4R: 10 Dumbbell Thrusters(50/35lbs) 20 Wall-ball Shots(20/14lb) *스트렝쓰 : 65lb *오늘의 와드 : 21:18, 40lbs, S.U 더보기
2022.12.19 월요일 •Stretching & Warm up -Dynamic Stretching. •Strength & Skills -Back Rack Lunge(Deficit 2 inch). 10-10-10-10-10 •WOD "Team of 2- I Go, You Go" Amrap In 20min: 15/12Cal Row 12 Pull-ups 9 Front Squat(95/65lb) 6 Burpee Over Barbell *스트렝쓰 : 75-95-115-115-115 *오늘의 와드 기록 : 6R + 39 (Rx'd, 건웅님) 더보기
2022.12.15 목요일 •Stretching & Warm up -Dynamic Stretching. ​ •Strength & Skills -Deadlift. 3-3-3-3-3(80% of 1Rm) ​ •WOD 5Rounds for total reps of T2B: 2min on: 2min off 10 Deadlifts(225/155lb) 15/12cal Row Max Toes to Bars ​*스트렝쓰 : 245-245-245-245-245 *오늘의 와드 기록 : 21, 205lb 더보기
2022.12.13 화요일 •Stretching & Warm up -Dynamic Stretching. ​ •Strength & Skills -Bench Press + Barbell Row(Super set) (8+8)x5set ​ •WOD Team Of 2 AMRAP In 20min: 10/8Cal Row Calories 5 Dumbbell Devil Presses (50/35lbs) 10 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) * Alternate each movement. (partner A: row, partner B: DB Devil Press, partner A: BJO, etc.) *스트렝쓰 벤치프레스 : 95-125-125-125-125 바벨로우 : 115-115-115-115-115 *오늘의 와드 : 12R+13 더보기
